źródło obrazka: http://krzysztofnyrek.pl/karta-kredytowa-samo-zlo-czy-samo-dobro
1. karta, kartka
Christmas/birthday card kartka bożonarodzeniowa/urodzinowa
2. fiszka
punched card karta perforowana
3. karta (do gry)
to play cards grać w karty
4. program (na wyścigach)
5. wizytówka
business card wizytówka służbowa
6. karta (plastikowe pieniądze)
magnetic card karta magnetyczna
7. legitymacja (dowód tożsamości)
library card karta biblioteczna
8. (o osobie) oryginał, ekscentryk
to have a card up one's sleeve mieć or chować asa w rękawie
it is on the cards (Wielka Brytania) lub in the cards (USA) jest prawdopodobne, że...
they think an election is on or in the cards uważają, że szykują się or że zanosi się na nowe wybory
to get or be given one's cards (Wielka Brytania) zostać wysłanym na zieloną trawkę
she has all the cards stacked in her favour/against her wszystko przemawia na jej korzyść/niekorzyść
to hold all the cards trzymać or mieć wszystkie atuty w ręku
to put or lay one's cards on the table wyłożyć karty na stół, zagrać w otwarte karty
he played his cards right dobrze to rozegrał
to play the race/law and order card wygrywać kwestię rasową/prawa i porządku
to throw in the cards poddać się
card 2:
1. gręplarka, zgrzeblarka
There's a solitary man crying, "Hold me."
It's only because he's a-lonely
If the keeper of time runs slowly
He won't be alive for long!
If he only had time to tell of all of the things he planned
With a card up his sleeve, what would he achieve?
It means nothing!
To the opium den and the barroom gin
In the Belmont chair playing violins
The gambler's face cracks into a grin
As he lays down the king of spades
But the dealer just stares
There's something wrong here, he thinks
The gambler is seized and forced to his knees
And shot dead
He only wanted more time
Away from the darkest door
But his luck it gave in
As the dawn light crept in
And he lay on the floor
From the Hundred Year War to the Crimea
With a lance and a musket and a Roman spear
To all of the men who have stood with no fear
In the service of the King
Before you met your fate be sure you
Did not forsake your lover
May not be around anymore
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