sobota, 27 sierpnia 2011

Słówko dnia: Art

1. sztuka

work of art dzieło sztuki

2. sztuka (umiejętność)

the art of survival sztuka przetrwania

3. spryt/podstęp/fortel


Art for the art's sake Sztuka dla sztuki.


Art is made by the alone for the alone.
  • Luis Barragán, Time (12 May 1980) Originally in Cyril Connolly's "The Unquiet Grave" (1944), cited by Emilio Ambasz in "The Architecture of Luis Barragán" (1976).

All art is autobiographical; the pearl is the oyster's autobiography.

Many are willing to suffer for their art. Few are willing to learn to draw.

I've been working on a piece that speak of sex and desperation.
I've been screwing on the tracks of abandoned train stations

One, two, three, four

Art Star
Art Star
Art Star
Art Star

Do do do...

Art Star
Art Star
Art Star
Art Star

I got a dealer in Tokyo
I got a rep in Paris
I got an agent in Rome
I got a gallery in New York!
Its a mad house this modern life
Its a mad house my faithless bride

Art Star
Art Star
Art Star
Art Star

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