czwartek, 27 października 2011

Słówko dnia: cell


1. cela
2. komórka (w biologii i botanice)
3. komórka (w plastrze miodu)
4. ogniwo (w chemii)
5. komórka
6. komórka (nieformalnie telefon)

Land Of Anger
I Didn't Ask To Be Born
Sadness, Sorrow
Everything So Alone

Laboratory Sickness
Infects Humanity
No Hope For Cure
Die By Technology

A World Full Of Shit Coming Down
Tribal Violence Everywhere
Life In The Age Of Terrorism
We Spit In Your Other Face

War Of Races
World Without Intelligence
A Place Consumed By Time
End Of It All

We're Born With Pain
No More We're Dead
Embryonic Cells

Corrosion Inside -- We Feel
Condemned Future -- We See
Emptiness Calls -- We Hear
Final Premonition -- The Truth

Land Of Anger
I Didn't Ask To Be Born
Sadness, Sorrow
Everything So Alone

Laboratory Sickness
Infects Humanity
No Hope For Cure
Die By Technology

We're Born With Pain
Suffer Remains
We're Born With Pain
Suffer Remains
We're Dead

wtorek, 25 października 2011

Słówko dnia: cause


1. powód, przyczyna
there is cause for concern/optimism jest powód do niepokoju/optymizmu
2. sprawa
a lost cause przegrana sprawa
3. podstawa, przyczyna
a challenge for/without cause oskarżenie umotywowane/nieumotywowane
4. sprawa sądowa, proces
cause of action podstawa roszczenia/powództwa


Your cause doth strike my heart.

Mine's not an idle cause

Happy the man who has been able to learn the causes of things.

  • VirgilGeorgics, II, 490.

  • Your sorry eyes; they cut through bone
    They make it hard to leave you alone
    Leave you here wearing your wounds
    Waving your guns at somebody new

    Baby you're lost
    Baby you're lost
    Baby you're a lost cause

    There's too many people you used to know
    They see you coming they see you go
    They know your secrets and you know theirs
    This town is crazy; nobody cares

    Baby you're lost
    Baby you're lost
    Baby you're a lost cause

    I'm tired of fighting
    I'm tired of fighting
    Fighting for a lost cause

    There's a place where you are going
    You ain't never been before
    No one left to watch your back now
    No one standing at your door
    That's what you thought love was for

    Baby you're lost
    Baby you're lost
    Baby you're a lost cause

    I'm tired of fighting
    I'm tired of fighting
    Fighting for a lost cause

    poniedziałek, 24 października 2011

    Słówko dnia: cat


    1. kot (domowy), kotka
    2. kot
    big cat wielki drapieżnik z rodziny kotów
    3. (pejoratywnie o kobiecie) żmija, jędza
    4. gość

    it was enough to make a cat laugh można było pęknąć ze śmiechu
    there are more ways than one to kill/skin a cat cel można osiągnąć różnymi sposobami
    to be like a cat on a hot tin roof/on hot bricks siedzieć jak na rozżarzonych węglach
    to fight like cat and dog drzeć z sobą koty, żyć jak pies z kotem
    to grin like a Cheshire cat szczerzyć zęby w uśmiechu
    to let the cat out of the bag puścić farbę
    the cat's out of the bag wyszło szydło z worka
    to look like something the cat brought/dragged in  wyglądać jak siedem nieszczęść(osoba), być w opłakanym stanie(rzecz)
    to rain cats and dogs lać jak z cebra
    there's hardly enough room to swing a cat nie ma się tu gdzie obrócić
    to think one is the cat's whiskers (Wielka Brytania)/ pajamas (USA)/ meow (USA) uważać się za pępek świata
    to (wait and) see which way the cat jumps czekać, jaki obrót przyjmą sprawy
    to play cat and mouse with somebody bawić się z kimś jak kot z myszką
    when the cat's away, the mice will play myszy harcują, gdy kota nie czują (powiedzenie)


    I think all cats are wild. They only act tame if there's a saucer of milk in it for them.

    Perhaps God made cats so that man might have the pleasure of fondling the tiger...

    Nothing's more playful than a young cat, nor more grave than an old one.

    Hot town summer in the city
    Back of my neck getting dirt and gritty
    Been down, isn't it a pity
    Doesn't seem to be a shadow in the city
    All around people looking half dead
    Walking on the sidewalk hotter than a match head

    But at night it's a different world
    Go out and find a girl
    Come on, come on and dance all night
    Despite the heat it will be alright
    And babe, don't you know it's a pity
    The days can't be like the night
    In the summer in the city
    In the summer in the city

    Cool town, evening in the city
    Dressed so fine and looking so pritty
    Cool cat lookin for a kitty
    Gonna look in every corner of the city
    Till I'm weezin like a bus stop
    Running up the stairs gonna meet ya on the roof top

    But at night it's a different world
    Go out and find a girl
    Come on, come on lets dance all night
    Despite the heat it will be alright
    And babe, don't you know it's a pity
    The days can't be like the night
    In the summer in the city
    In the summer in the city


    But at night it's a different world
    Go out and find a girl
    Come on, come on lets dance all night
    Despite the heatit will be alright
    And babe don't you know it's a pity
    The days can't be like the night
    In the summer in the city
    In the summer in the city

    Hot town summer in the city

    piątek, 21 października 2011

    Słówko dnia: case


    1. przypadek, wypadek
    in several cases w kilku przypadkach or wypadkach
    2. (stan wydarzeń,sytuacja)
    that's not the case here tu nie o to chodzi
    3. (spór prawny)
    the case for the Crown (Wielka Brytania) the case for the State (USA) oskarżenie
    4. argument
    to put the case for sth wysunąć argumenty za czymś/na poparcie czegoś
    5. sprawa, rozprawa sądowa, proces
    criminal/civil case sprawa kryminalna/cywilna
    6. sprawa, śledztwo, dochodzenie
    the Burgess case sprawa Burgessa
    7. (w medycynie) przypadek, chory
    30 cases of chickenpox 30 przypadków wietrznej ospy
    8. (w sociologii i administracji) przypadek, sprawa
    to deal with a lot of difficult cases zajmować się wieloma trudnymi przypadkami
    9. (osoba)
    he's a real case! niezły z niego numer!
    10. (w lingwistyce) przypadek
    in the accusative case w bierniku

    get off my case! odczep się ode mnie!


    1. (suitcase) walizka, waliza
    2. skrzynka, skrzynia, paka
    to buy wine by the case kupować wino skrzynkami or na skrzynki
    3. gablota, gablotka, witryna
    to display sth in a case wystawić coś w gablocie or witrynie
    4. etui, futerał, kaseta, kasetka, puzderko, szkatułka
    5. koperta, łuska, gilza, obudowa, pudło, prospekt, torebka
    6. kaszta
    7. pudełko

    czwartek, 20 października 2011

    Czy szkoła ma coś wspólnego z myśleniem?

    Sam często słyszę od swoich uczniów: "Ja tego nie zrobię bo tego nie mieliśmy." Zero prób podejścia do czegokolwiek co nowe. Z resztą czy świat nie uczy nas dziś podobnego postępowania w życiu codziennym?

    Słówko dania: care

    1. ostrożność, uwaga
    to take care to do sth starać się coś zrobić/ pamiętać, żeby coś zrobić
    2. opieka, dbałość, troska, utrzymanie (czegoś), dbałość, pielęgnacja 
    to take care of sb zajmować się kimś/obsługiwać kogoś
    3. opieka ( nad kimś)
    the concept of care in the community koncepcja opieki pozaszpitalnej
    4. to be in care przebywać w ośrodku opiekuńczym(Wielka Brytania)
    5. troska
    to be without a care in the world być wolnym od wszelkich trosk

    he doesn't care a fig/a damn guzik go to obchodzi

    Skin head, dead head
    Everybody gone bad
    Situation, aggravation
    Everybody allegation
    In the suite, on the news
    Everybody dog food
    Bang bang, shot dead
    Everybody's gone mad

    All I wanna say is that
    They don't really care about us
    All I wanna say is that
    They don't really care about us

    Beat me, hate me
    You can never break me
    Will me, thrill me
    You can never kill me
    Jew me, Sue me
    Everybody do me
    Kick me, kike me
    Don't you black or white me

    All I wanna say is that
    They don't really care about us
    All I wanna say is that
    They don't really care about us

    Tell me what has become of my life
    I have a wife and two children who love me
    I am the victim of police brutality, now
    I'm tired of bein' the victim of hate
    You're rapin' me of my pride
    Oh, for God's sake
    I look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy...
    Set me free

    Skin head, dead head
    Everybody gone bad
    trepidation, speculation
    Everybody allegation
    In the suite, on the news
    Everybody dog food
    black man, black mail
    Throw your brother in jail

    All I wanna say is that
    They don't really care about us
    All I wanna say is that
    They don't really care about us

    Tell me what has become of my rights
    Am I invisible because you ignore me?
    Your proclamation promised me free liberty, now
    I'm tired of bein' the victim of shame
    They're throwing me in a class with a bad name
    I can't believe this is the land from which I came
    You know I do really hate to say it
    The government don't wanna see
    But if Roosevelt was livin'
    He wouldn't let this be, no, no

    Skin head, dead head
    Everybody gone bad
    Situation, speculation
    Everybody litigation
    Beat me, bash me
    You can never trash me
    Hit me, kick me
    You can never get me

    All I wanna say is that
    They don't really care about us
    All I wanna say is that
    They don't really care about us

    Some things in life they just don't wanna see
    But if Martin Luther was livin'
    He wouldn't let this be

    Skin head, dead head
    Everybody gone bad
    Situation, segregation
    Everybody allegation
    In the suite, on the news
    Everybody dog food
    Kick me, strike me
    Don't you wrong or right me

    All I wanna say is that
    They don't really care about us
    All I wanna say is that
    They don't really care about us

    All I wanna say is that
    They don't really care about us
    All I wanna say is that
    They don't really care about us

    All I wanna say is that
    They don't really care about us
    All I wanna say is that
    They don't really care about us

    środa, 19 października 2011

    Interpunkcja pozwala ocalić życia.

    Słówko dnia: card


    1. karta, kartka
    Christmas/birthday card kartka bożonarodzeniowa/urodzinowa
    2. fiszka
    punched card karta perforowana
    3. karta (do gry)
    to play cards grać w karty
    4. program (na wyścigach)
    5. wizytówka
    business card wizytówka służbowa
    6. karta (plastikowe pieniądze)
    magnetic card karta magnetyczna
    7. legitymacja (dowód tożsamości)
    library card karta biblioteczna
    8. (o osobie) oryginał, ekscentryk

    to have a card up one's sleeve mieć or chować asa w rękawie
    it is on the cards (Wielka Brytania) lub in the cards (USA) jest prawdopodobne, że...
    they think an election is on or in the cards uważają, że szykują się or że zanosi się na nowe wybory
    to get or be given one's cards (Wielka Brytania) zostać wysłanym na zieloną trawkę
    she has all the cards stacked in her favour/against her wszystko przemawia na jej korzyść/niekorzyść
    to hold all the cards trzymać or mieć wszystkie atuty w ręku
    to put or lay one's cards on the table wyłożyć karty na stół, zagrać w otwarte karty
    he played his cards right dobrze to rozegrał
    to play the race/law and order card wygrywać kwestię rasową/prawa i porządku
    to throw in the cards poddać się

    card 2:
    1. gręplarka, zgrzeblarka

    There's a solitary man crying, "Hold me."
    It's only because he's a-lonely
    If the keeper of time runs slowly
    He won't be alive for long!

    If he only had time to tell of all of the things he planned
    With a card up his sleeve, what would he achieve?
    It means nothing!

    To the opium den and the barroom gin
    In the Belmont chair playing violins
    The gambler's face cracks into a grin
    As he lays down the king of spades

    But the dealer just stares
    There's something wrong here, he thinks
    The gambler is seized and forced to his knees
    And shot dead

    He only wanted more time
    Away from the darkest door
    But his luck it gave in
    As the dawn light crept in
    And he lay on the floor

    From the Hundred Year War to the Crimea
    With a lance and a musket and a Roman spear
    To all of the men who have stood with no fear
    In the service of the King

    Before you met your fate be sure you
    Did not forsake your lover
    May not be around anymore

    poniedziałek, 17 października 2011

    Słówko dnia: car

    1. samochód, auto, wóz
    2. wagon
    restaurant/freight car wagon restauracyjny/towarowy
    3. tramwaj (USA, także streetcar)
    4. kabina (np. windy), gondola, kosz

    Here in my car
    I feel safest of all
    I can lock all my doors
    It's the only way to live
    In cars

    Here in my car
    I can only receive
    I can listen to you
    It keeps me stable for days
    In cars

    Here in my car
    Where the image breaks down
    Will you visit me please?
    If I open my door
    In cars

    Here in my car
    I know I've started to think
    About leaving tonight
    Although nothing seems right
    In cars

    niedziela, 16 października 2011

    Słówko dnia: captain

    1. kapitan (stopień wojskowy)
    naval captain komandor
    2. kapitan  (w samolocie, na statku kupieckim)
    3. kapitan (w sporcie)
    4. dzielnicowy (policja USA)
    5. (lider) 
    captains of industry osoby zajmujące wysokie stanowiska w świecie biznesu

    Under the surface so crystal clear
    Everyone was really tense
    Waiting down there
    He had his own world just like I had mine
    We'll go seperate ways 'til the next time
    There are no words to say
    As my friend swims away

    Captain Nemo said, "okay"
    (five, four, three, two, one)
    Then I raised my hand and waved
    Captain Nemo went away
    (Love me when I'm gone)
    Left me all alone, Nemo's going home

    And as I watched him, police boats approached
    An alien force haunting us like ghosts
    Wish I could stay here and play for a while
    But I must be on my way...
    The warmest of smiles
    Then he dived into the waves among the other whales

    Captain Nemo said, "okay"
    (five, four, three, two, one)
    Then I raised my hand and waved
    Captain Nemo went away
    (Love me when I'm gone)
    Left me all alone, Nemo's going home...

    piątek, 14 października 2011

    Słówko dnia: capital

             źródło obrazka


    1. wielka/duża litera, wersalik, majuskuła
    in capitals wersalikami
    2. stolica
    fashion capital of the world światowa stolica mody
    3. kapitał, fundusze, środki pieniężne
    with a capital of Ł500,000 z kapitałem pięciuset tysięcy funtów
    4. kapitał
    capital and labour kapitał i siła robocza

    1. kapitel, głowica

    We all live in a capital I
    In the middle of the desert
    In the center of the sky.

    All day long we polish up the I
    To make it clean and shiny
    So it brightens up the sky.
    Rubbing it here
    And scrubbing it there.
    Polishing the I
    So high in the air.

    And as we work we sing a lively tune
    "It is great to be so happy on a busy afternoon."
    And when we're through with the day's only chore,
    We go into the I
    And we close the door.

    Capital I, capital I, capital I, capital I.

    czwartek, 13 października 2011

    Mini Słownik Tematyczny: Transport

                          źródło obrazka:

    Public transport: Transport publiczny:

    ferry prom
    coach autubus dalekobieżny, autokar
    bus autobus
    taxi taksówka
    tram tramwaj
    plane samolot
    train pociąg
    tube/underground metro

    Personal transport: Transport osobisty"

    car samochód
    bike rower
    motorbike motor
    caravan przyczepa kempinowa

    Goods vehicles: pojazdy ciężarowe

    lorry ciężarówka
    van furgonetka

    Emergency vehicles: pojazdy ratunkowe

    ambulance karetka
    fire engine wóz strażacki

    Places: Miejsca

    railway station stacja kolejowa
    airport lotnisko
    bus stop przystanek autobusowy
    coach station dworzec autobusowy
    ferry terminal terminal kontenerowy/promowy
    taxi rank postój taksówek
    tram stop przystanek tramwajowy
    tube/underground station stacja metra
    lorry/van depot zajezdnia
    fire station remiza strażacka
    hospital szpital
    garage garaż
    bike stand stojak na rowery
    motorcycle bay parking (zatoka) motocyklowy(/a)
    caravan park kemping

    Słówko dnia: camp

         źródło obrazka:


    1. obóz, obozowisko
    to make or pitch camp rozbić obóz
    2. (grupa) obóz
    to go over to the other camp zmienić front
    3. ośrodek kolonijny

    to have a foot in both camps grać na obie or dwie strony

    1. afektacja, teatralność, kabotynizm, kabotyństwo
    it's high or pure camp to czyste kabotyństwo

    to camp it up zachowywać się teatralnie/w sposób afektowany, zachowywać się jak "typowy gej"

    środa, 12 października 2011

    Słówko dnia: call


    1. rozmowa telefoniczna, telefon
    business call rozmowa służbowa
    2. wołanie, głos
    to give somebody a call zawołać do kogoś
    3. wezwanie
    this is the last call for passengers to Berlin kończymy odprawę pasażerów odlatujących do Berlina
    4. wizyta
    social call wizyta towarzyska
    5. wezwanie, żądanie
    a call for reform żądanie przeprowadzenia reform
    6. (potrzeba)
    there's no call for such behaviour or to behave like that nie ma powodu tak się zachowywać
    7. zew
    8. (Sport) decyzja sędziego
    9. żądanie zwrotu pożyczki, wezwanie do zapłaty, opcja kupna
    money at or on call pożyczka płatna na żądanie
    10. (służba np. pielęgniarka, lekarz) to be on call  dyżurować pod telefonem
    11.  powołanie

    to answer the call of nature pójść za potrzebą, udać się na stronę
    it was a close call mało brakowało

    She said call me now baby, and I'd come a running.
    She said call me now baby, and I'd come a running.
    If you'd call me now, baby then I'd come a running.

    I'm on call, to be there.
    One and all, to be there.
    And When I fall, to pieces.
    Lord you know, I'll be there waiting.

    To be there.
    To be there.

    I'm on call, to be there.
    One and all, to be there.
    And When I fall, to pieces.
    Lord you know, I'll be there waiting.

    I'm gon' brawl, so be there.
    One for all, I'll be there.
    And when they fall, to pieces.
    Lord you know, I'll be there laughing.

    I'd come a running.
    I'd come a running.
    I'd come a running.

    To be there.
    To be there.

    I'm on call, to be there.
    I'm on call, to be there.
    I'm on call, to be there.
    I'm on call, to be there.

    wtorek, 11 października 2011

    Słówko dnia: brother


    1. (krewny) brat
    younger/older brother młodszy/starszy brat
    2. (związkowiec) kolega
    3. brat, towarzysz, kolega
    all men are brothers wszyscy ludzie są braćmi
    4. hey, brother! hej, koleś/brachu
    5. brat zakonny
     Brother Anselm brat Anzelm

    These mist covered mountains
    Are a home now for me
    But my home is the lowlands
    And always will be
    Some day you'll return to
    Your valleys and your farms
    And you'll no longer burn
    To be brothers in arms

    Through these fields of destruction
    Baptism of fire
    I've witnessed your suffering
    As the battles raged higher
    And though they did hurt me so bad
    In the fear and alarm
    You did not desert me
    My brothers in arms

    There's so many different worlds
    So many different suns
    And we have just one world
    But we live in different ones

    Now the sun's gone to hell
    And the moon's riding high
    Let me bid you farewell
    Every man has to die
    But it's written in the starlight
    And every line on your palm
    We're fools to make war
    On our brothers in arms

    poniedziałek, 10 października 2011

    Słówko dnia: break


    1. złamanie
    2. pęknięcie
    a break in the skin ranka, skaleczenie
    3. wyrwa, wyłom, luka, odstęp, przerwa, przerwanie
    a break in the clouds przejaśnienie
    4. przerwa, antrakt
    wait for a break in the traffic poczekaj, aż przejadą samochody
    5. przerwa, chwila wytchnienia, pauza
    let's take a break zróbmy sobie przerwę
    6. summer break przerwa wakacyjna, wakacje, winter break ferie zimowe, the Christmas break przerwa świąteczna, ferie świąteczne, a weekend break in Milan weekend w Mediolanie
    7. zerwanie, rozbrat
    a break with tradition/with the past zerwanie z tradycją/z przeszłością
    8. szansa
    her big break came in 1973 rok 1973 był dla niej rokiem wielkiej szansy
    9. ucieczka, próba ucieczki
    to make a break for it rzucić się do ucieczki
    10. at break of day o świcie, o brzasku
    11. line break koniec wiersza, page break łamanie strony, paragraph break koniec akapitu
    12. break, przełamanie serwisu
    13. (w snookerze) it's your break ty zaczynasz; (seria uderzeń) to make a 50 point break zdobyć 50 punktów za jednym podejściem

    I want to break free
    I want to break free
    I want to break free from your lies
    You're so self satisfied I don't need you
    I've got to break free
    God knows God knows I want to break free

    I've fallen in love
    I've fallen in love for the first time
    And this time I know it's for real
    I've fallen in love yeah
    God knows God knows I've fallen in love

    It's strange but it's true
    I can't get over the way you love me like you do
    But I have to be sure
    When I walk out that door
    Oh how I want to be free baby
    Oh how I want to be free
    Oh how I want to break free

    But life still goes on
    I can't get used to living without living without
    Living without you by my side
    I don't want to live alone hey
    God knows got to make it on my own
    So baby can't you see
    I've got to break free

    I've got to break free
    I want to break free yeah

    I want I want I want I want to break free....

    sobota, 8 października 2011

    Słówko dnia: bread


    1. chleb
    a loaf/slice of bread bochenek/kromka chleba
    2. szmal, forsa
    3. (środki do życia)
    to earn one's bread zarabiać na chleb

    to break bread with somebody spożywać posiłek w towarzystwie kogoś
    to cast one's bread upon the waters Bible rzucać chleb swój na wody płynące/wspierać szczodrze ubogich w nadziei, że ofiara zwróci się stokrotnie
    to put bread on the table zarabiać na utrzymanie
    to put jam on the bread polepszyć sobie byt
    to take the bread out of sb's mouth odbierać komuś chleb
    he knows which side his bread is buttered wie, co się mu opłaca/wie, co dla niego dobre
    the best thing since sliced bread genialny wynalazek, genialna rzecz

    piątek, 7 października 2011

    Zrewolucjonizujmy nauczanie! Wykład Sir Kena Robinsona.

    Pamiętacie wykład sir Kena Robinsona na temat tego jak szkoła zabija kreatywność? Ci którzy nie widzieli mogą zobaczyć go tutaj. A zaznajomionych z tematem zapraszam do kolejnego wykładu który odbył się 4 lata później. Tym razem sir Ken wyjaśnia dlaczego reformowanie szkolnictwa to za mało.

    Słówko dnia: branch

    1. gałąź, ramię, odnoga, odgałęzienie, boczna grań, dziedzina, wydział
    2. oddział, filia,
    main branch główny oddział
    3. rozgałęzienie
    4. strumień

    czwartek, 6 października 2011

    Słówko dnia: boy

    1. chłopiec, chłopak, chłopczyk
    the boys' toilet toaleta chłopców
    2. syn, cłopiec, chłopak
    she wanted a boy this time tym razem chciała chłopca
    3. chłopak
    he's a local boy on jest z tych stron
    4. boy, chłopak (służący)
    5. (samiec) down boy! siad! (do psa) easy boy! hola! (do konia)
    6. czarnuch

    boys will be boys mężczyźni są jak dzieci
    to be one of the boys być równym gościem
    to sort out the men from the boys przekonać się, kto zna się na rzeczy, a kto nie

    Kanye West:
    This a number one champion sound
    yeah Estelle we ’bout to get down
    who the hottest in the world right now.
    Just touched down in London town.
    Bet they give me a pound.
    Tell them put the money in my hand right now.
    Tell the promoter we need more seats,
    we just sold out all the floor seats
    Take me on a trip, I’d like to go some day.
    Take me to New York, I’d love to see LA.
    I really want to come kick it with you.
    You’ll be my American Boy.
    He said Hey Sister.
    It’s really really nice to meet ya.
    I just met this 5 foot 7 guy who’s just my type.
    I like the way he’s speaking his confidence is peaking.
    Don’t like his baggy jeans but Ima like what’s underneath them.
    And no I ain’t been to MIA
    I heard that Cali never rains and New York’s heart awaits. First let’s see the west end.
    I’ll show you to my Bredrin.
    I’m liking this American Boy. American Boy
    Take me on a trip, I’d like to go some day
    Take me to New York, I’d love to see LA.
    I really want to come kick it with you.
    You’ll be my American Boy, American Boy.
    Can we get away this weekend.
    Take me to Broadway.
    Let’s go shopping baby then we’ll go to a Café.
    Let’s go on the subway.
    Take me to your hood.
    I neva been to Brooklyn and I’d like to see what’s good.
    Dressed in all your fancy clothes.
    Sneaker’s looking Fresh to Death I’m lovin those Shell Toes.
    Walkin that walk.
    Talk that slick talk.
    I’m likin this American Boy. American Boy.
    Take me on a trip, I’d like to go some day.
    Take me to New York, I’d love to see LA.
    I really want to come kick it with you.
    You’ll be my American Boy
    Tell ‘em wagwaan blood
    Kanye West:
    Who killin em in the UK.
    Everybody gonna say you K,
    reluctantly, because most of this press don’t f**k wit me.
    Estelle once said to me, cool down down
    don’t act a fool now now.
    I always act a fool oww oww.
    Aint nothing new now now.
    He crazy, I know what ya thinkin.
    Ribena I know what you’re drinkin.
    Rap singer. Chain Blinger. Holla at the next chick soon as you’re blinkin.
    What’s you’re persona.
    About this Americana rhymer
    Am I shallow cuz all my clothes designer.
    Dressed smart like a London Bloke.
    Before he speak his suit bespoke.
    And you thought he was cute before.
    Look at this Pea Coat, Tell me he’s broke.
    And I know you ain’t into all that. I heard your lyrics I feel your spirit.
    And there’s something about Gladys Knight and the Pips in there, can’t quite hear it…
    But I still talk that CAAASH.
    Cuz a lot WAGs want to hear it.
    And I’m feelin like Mike at his Baddest.
    The Pimps at their Gladist.
    And I know they love it.
    so to hell with all that rubbish
    Would you be my love, my love.
    could be mine would you be my love my love, could be mine
    Could you be my love, my love.
    Would you be my American Boy. American Boy
    Take me on a trip, I’d like to go some day
    Take me to Chicago, San Francisco Bay.
    I really want to come kick it with you.
    You’ll be my American Boy, American Boy.

    środa, 5 października 2011

    Słówko dnia: box

    box (1):
    1. pudło, pudełko, skrzynia, skrzynka, kasetka, futerał, etui
    a box of matches pudełko zapałek
    2. (na stronie) ramka, pole
    3. loża, trybuna honorowa, boks
    4. boks (w stajni)
    5. suspensor (ochraniacz na jądra)
    6. (the box) telewizor
    what's on the box? co w telewizji?
    7. (penalty box) pole karne
    8. skrzynia (w gimnastyce)
    9. skrytka pocztowa
    10. skrzynka, skrzynia
    11. skrzynka, obudowa
    12. kabina, budka
    commentary box kabina komentatora
    13. trumna
    14. komputer
    15. kozioł

    we are in the same box jedziemy na jednym wózku

    box (2):
    1. trzepnięcie
    he gave him a box on the ear trzepną go w ucho

    box (3):
    1. bukszpan

    She eyes me like a pisces when I am weak
    I've been locked inside your heart-shaped box for a weeks
    I was drawn into your magnet tar pit trap
    I wish i could eat your cancer when you turn black

    Hey !
    Wait !
    I've got a new complaint
    Forever in debt to your priceless advice
    Hey !
    Wait !
    I've got a new complaint
    Forever in debt to your priceless advice
    Hey !
    Wait !
    I've got a new complaint
    Forever in debt to your priceless advice
    Your advice

    Meat-eating orchids forgive no one just yet
    Cut myself on angel's hair and baby's breath
    Broken hymen of your highness I'm left black
    Throw down your umbilical noose so I can climb right back

    Hey !
    Wait !
    I've got a new complaint
    Forever in debt to your priceless advice
    Hey !
    Wait !
    I've got a new complaint
    Forever in debt to your priceless advice
    Hey !
    Wait !
    I've got a new complaint
    Forever in debt to your priceless advice
    Your advice

    She eyes me like a pisces when I am weak
    I've been locked inside your heart-shaped box for a weeks
    I was drawn into your magnet tar pit trap
    I wish i could eat your cancer when you turn black

    Hey !
    Wait !
    I've got a new complaint
    Forever in debt to your priceless advice
    Hey !
    Wait !
    I've got a new complaint
    Forever in debt to your priceless advice
    Hey !
    Wait !
    I've got a new complaint
    Forever in debt to your priceless advice
    Your advice

    wtorek, 4 października 2011

    Słówko dnia: bottom

    1. podnóże, dół
    at the bottom of the mountain u podnóża góry
    2. dno, grunt
    to sink to the bottom pójść na dno
    3. spód, dno
    to knock the bottom out of something wybić dno w czymś
    4. koniec, dół, ostatnie miejsce
    to be at the bottom of the list być na szarym końcu
    5. koniec
    6. siedzenie, zadek, tyłek, pupa
    7. podłoże, sedno
    to get to the bottom of the matter dotrzeć do sedna sprawy
    8. statek handlowy

    At bottom w gruncie rzeczy
    from the bottom of one's heart z całego serca, z głębi serca
    the bottom fell świat mu się zawalił
    the bottom has fallen out of the market rynek załamał się, nastąpiło załamanie rynku
    you can bet your bottom dollar możesz być pewien/założę się

    Trey Songz:
    Oh oh it's Mr. Steal Your Girl
    Oh oh it's Mr. Steal Your Girl oh oh
    Let's go

    Bottoms up, bottoms up (up), ey, what's in your cup?
    Got a couple bottles, but a couple ain't enough
    Bottoms up, bottoms up (up), throw your hands up
    Tell security we 'bout to tear this club up
    Bottoms up, bottoms up (up), pocket full of green
    Girl, you know I love the way you shake it in them jeans
    Bottoms up, bottoms up (up), throw ya hands up
    Bottoms up, bottoms up, bottoms up (up, up)

    You know what it is girl, we back up in this thang
    Money stay in my pocket, girl, I'm like a walkin' bank
    Tell me whatcha drank, tell me whatcha thank
    If I go get these bottles, we go alcohol insane
    Callin' all the girls, do you hear me?
    All around the world, city to city
    Cheers to the girls, throw a deuce to the guys
    Now I got a chicken and a goose in the ride
    Gettin' loose in the ride
    Hatin' ass nigga move to the move to the move to the side

    Bottoms up, bottoms up (up), ey, what's in your cup?
    Got a couple bottles, but a couple ain't enough
    Bottoms up, bottoms up (up), throw your hands up
    Tell security we 'bout to tear this club up
    Bottoms up, bottoms up (up), pocket full of green
    Girl, you know I love the way you shake it in them jeans
    Bottoms up, bottoms up (up), throw ya hands up
    Bottoms up, bottoms up, bottoms up (up, up)

    My vision's blurred, my words slurred
    It's jam packed (yeah), a million girls
    And I ain't tryin to lead 'em
    We drunk so let me be your alcohol hero
    Callin' all the girls, do you hear me?
    All around the world, city to city
    Cheers to the girls, throw a deuce to the guys
    Now I got a chicken and a goose in the ride
    Gettin' loose in the ride
    Hatin ass nigga move to the move to the move to the side

    Bottoms up, bottoms up (up), ey, what's in your cup?
    Got a couple bottles, but a couple ain't enough
    Bottoms up, bottoms up (up), throw your hands up
    Tell security we 'bout to tear this club up
    Bottoms up, bottoms up (up), pocket full of green

    Girl, you know I love the way you shake it in them jeans
    Bottoms up, bottoms up (up), throw ya hands up
    Bottoms up, bottoms up, bottoms up (up, up)

    Nicki Minaj:
    Yo, could I get that Tron?
    Could I get that Remmy?
    Could I get that Coke?
    Could I get that Henny?
    Could I get that margarita on the rock rock rocks?
    Could I get that salt all around that rim rim rim rim?
    Trey, I was like "Yo Trey"
    Do you think you could buy me a bottle of Rose'?
    Okay, let's get it now
    I'm wit a bad bitch he's with his friends
    I don't say "Hi", I say "keys to the Benz"
    Keys to the Benz? Keys to the Benz!
    Muhfuckin right yeah, V to the 10
    If a bitch try to get cute Imma sock ha
    Throw a lotta money at her then yell fuck ha, fuck ha, fuck ha
    then yell fuck ha.
    Then Imma go and get my Louisville Slugger
    Excuse me, I'm sorry, I'm really such a lady
    I rep Young Money
    You know Slim, Baby?
    And we be doin' donuts while we wavin' the .380
    We give a lotta money to the babies out in Haiti
    Yellin' all around the world,
    Do you hear me? Do you like my body?
    Anna Nicki
    Rest in peace to Anna Nicole Smith
    Yes, my dear, you're so explosive
    Say hi to Mary Mary and Joseph
    Now bottoms up and double my dosage

    Bottoms up, bottoms up (up), ey, what's in your cup?
    Got a couple bottles, but a couple ain't enough
    Bottoms up, bottoms up (up), throw your hands up
    Tell security we 'bout to tear this club up
    Bottoms up, bottoms up (up), pocket full of green
    Girl, you know I love the way you shake it in them jeans
    Bottoms up, bottoms up (up), throw ya hands up
    Bottoms up, bottoms up, bottoms up (up, up)

    Bottoms up, Bottoms up, Bottoms up, Bottoms up, Bottoms up
    Niki Minaj:
    It's not that I'm drunk, I'm I'm I'm more than that. I'm good, I'm good.
    I I I I am Zaloyn Skye.

    poniedziałek, 3 października 2011

    Słówko dnia: book

    1. książka
    2. tom, księga
    3. księga rachunkowa/handlowa
    4. zeszyt
    a drawing book zeszyt do rysunków
    5. książeczka czekowa, bloczek, karnecik
    6. (w zakładach)
    to keep a book on the results of something przyjmować zakłady, jak będzie czegoś wynik
    7. książka telefoniczna
    our number's in the book nasz numer jest w książce telefonicznej
    8. zbiór przepisów, regulamin
    9. libretto, scenariusz

    I can read her like a book/she is like an open book to me czytam w niej jak w otwartej książce
    his past is an open book jego przeszłość nie skrywa żadnych tajemnic
    economics is a closed book to me ekonomia to dla mnie czarna magia
    she is a closed book to me nie potrafię jej rozgryźć
    to throw the book at somebody powiedzieć komuś do słuchu/wyciągnąć w stosunku do kogoś surowe konsekwencje
    to be in somebody's good/bad books być u kogoś dobrze/źle notowanym
    this should put us in their good books dzięki temu nasze notowania u nich powinny wzrosnąć
    he didn't want to get into her bad books nie chciał się jej narazić
    in my book it's a crime w moim przekonaniu to zbrodnia
    to bring somebody to book kazać się komuś tłumaczyć
    here's one for the book to warto zapamiętać
    you shouldn't judge a book by its cover pozory mylą/habit nie czyni mnicha


    Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.

    Why can't people just sit and read books and be nice to each other?

    The covers of this book are too far apart.

    I put you up, I treat you well
    Tell you secrets I never tell
    We pretend, it's all ok
    But there's one thing we never say
    The world is full of good intentions
    Paradise is hard to find
    Say they love you but they don't mention
    Who they were with again last night
    Revenge, regret, I wrote the book
    Forgive, forget, I wrote the book
    Keeping secrets, I wrote the book only don't test me

    Heartbreak and then some,
    Tell me where is a friend when you need one
    Before you take a second look,
    Remember I know every trick in the book

    It never stops around the clock
    When I'm there, you speak so soft
    The runaround will wear you out
    You break it off, I'll break you down
    The world is full of good intentions
    Paradise is full of lies
    Tell you they love you but fail to mention
    Who they were with again last night
    Cheating, sneaking, I wrote the book
    Begging, pleading, I wrote the book
    Lying, crying, I wrote the book only don't test me

    Heartbreak and there's some,
    Tell me where is a friend when you need one
    Before you take a second look,
    Remember I know every trick in the book
    Heartbreak and there's some,
    Tell me where is a friend when you need one
    Before you take a second look, remember I know every trick in the book

    I wrote the book, I wrote the book, I wrote the book only protest me
    I wrote the book only protest me now
    I wrote the book only.

    niedziela, 2 października 2011

    Słówko dnia: bone

    1. kość
    made of bone zrobione z kości
    2. fiszbin

    a bone of contention kość niezgody
    the bare bones of something podstawowe fakty na temat czegoś
    close to the bone nazbyt szczery/ ryzykowny, nie na miejscu
    he's bag of bones została z niego sama skóra i kości
    to cut something to the bone zredukować coś do absolutnego minimum
    to feel something in one's bones przeczuwać coś
    to have a bone to pick with somebody mieć z kimś do pomówienia/na pieńku
    to make no bones abouth something nie ukrywać czegoś
    to work one's fingers to the bone urobić sobie ręce po łokcie
    sticks and stones may break my bones (but words will never harm me) gadaj zdrów

    On the day I was born, the nurses all gathered 'round
    And they gazed in wide wonder, at the joy they had found
    The head nurse spoke up, and she said leave this one alone
    She could tell right away, that I was bad to the bone
    Bad to the bone
    Bad to the bone
    B-B-B-B-Bad to the bone
    Bad to the bone

    I broke a thousand hearts, before I met you
    I'll break a thousand more baby, before I am through
    I wanna be yours pretty baby, yours and yours alone
    I'm here to tell ya honey, that I'm bad to the bone
    Bad to the bone
    Bad to the bone

    I make a rich woman beg, I'll make a good woman steal
    I'll make an old woman blush, and make a young woman squeal
    I wanna be yours pretty baby, yours and yours alone
    I'm here to tell ya honey, that I'm bad to the bone
    Bad to the bone